FAS produced 181 publications, including books, primers and technical texts on sociobiodiversity in the Amazon, which contributed to the deepening and generation of knowledge about problems and solutions in the biome
What we know about the Amazon is very little compared to all the knowledge it holds within itself. Recognizing itself as an apprentice of the land and of our peoples, who teach so much about conservation, FAS works to spread and deepen the knowledge and the debate about Amazonian sociobiodiversity.
As part of the institutional strategy to generate knowledge, FAS also builds and maintains partnerships with educational and research institutions at regional, national and international levels. Through them, studies are conducted in areas of incidence of the foundation and on topics such as improvement of sustainable production systems in riverside communities, green economy, impacts of climate change on public health.
Between 2008 and 2022, FAS was responsible for 181 publications, including scientific articles, books, bulletins, reports, among other editorial formats. Each production is planned and made according to the ideal language and approach for the groups we seek to mobilize.
Environmental awareness primers for children, agro-ecology guides for riverside communities in the Amazon, and manuals to support and foster productive chains such as sustainable tourism and pirarucu management are among the content profiles that make up the foundation’s catalog.
Ready and printed, the materials are sent to their target audiences and distributed in schools, community centers, Conservation Units, Indigenous Lands and other territories where FAS operates. In a cycle that completes and feeds back on itself, the encounter between technical-scientific knowledge and traditional knowledge can germinate new visions and understandings about the forest and the people who live in it, contributing to regional development on sustainable and inclusive bases.
Watch the launch of the study “Green Economy in the Amazon in the context of COVID-19”, organized by the Amazon Bioeconomy Hub, a network secretariat by FAS
The publications catalog is also on the FAS website, available for free, with the purpose of it reaching other readers, readers and places, and the intention that the Amazon be more read, known, and thus protected by society: