Perceptions about tourist activity in conservation units Amazon: analysis and recommendations from the University of Notre Dame

The report “Perceptions on tourism activity in protected areas of Amazonas: analysis and recommendations of the University of Notre Dame” was conducted by the Foundation for Amazon Sustainability (FAS) with the partnership of the University of Notre Dame.
The publication has the purpose of analyzing and contributing to the tourism in conservation units in Amazonas. The analysis and recommendations are developed with emphasis on two RDS’s (Sustainable Development Reserves): Rio Negro and Uatumã, in order to help leverage tourism in the two regions.
The report reinforces that by increasing the number of tourists in the reserves during the off-season, it can impact the operation capacity of the lodges throughout the year. This is based on the analysis of the size of the tourism market in the Amazon.
From the recommendations raised and with the development of the initiatives, one can expect an increase of approximately 4,400 tourists to the Rio Negro reserve per year in 10 years and an additional 7,000 tourists per year in 20 years. This will result in an additional R$ 17.7 million income for the reserve in 20 years.
Similarly, the Uatumã reserve can expect more than 4,000 tourists to travel to the region per year in 10 years; ultimately increasing its capacity to capture an additional 7,300 tourists per year in 20 years. This will lead to an additional income of R$51.2 million for the reserve over 20 years.