Bolsa Floresta Program: trajectory, lessons and challenges of an innovative public policy for the Amazon - FAS - Fundação Amazônia Sustentável

Bolsa Floresta Program: trajectory, lessons and challenges of an innovative public policy for the Amazon

Bolsa Floresta Program: trajectory, lessons and challenges of an innovative public policy for the Amazon
fevereiro 3, 2022 FAS

Bolsa Floresta Program: trajectory, lessons and challenges of an innovative public policy for the Amazon

Capa em inglês da publicação sobre o Bolsa Floresta, programa criado pela Fundação Amazônia Sustentável (FAS).

The book “Bolsa Floresta Program: trajectory, lessons and challenges of an innovative public policy history for the Amazon” brings together a reward program for environmental services carried out by the Foundation for Amazon Sustainability (FAS). The initiative benefits more than 9,000 families who live or use 16 Conservation Units (UCs) in Amazonas.

The publication is a fortress in four chapters, which addresses four themes:

  • Origin of Bolsa Floresta;
  • Program evolution;
  • Knowledge acquired about the socio-environmental realities in the UCs served;
  • Perspectives of new public policy paths for sustainable development, based on the lessons learned from Bolsa Floresta.

Implemented in 2008, the Bolsa Floresta program’s main challenge was to demonstrate that the forest is worth more standing than being cut down. To this end, the initiative carries out actions that encourage sustainable development, a commitment to non-deforestation of primary forests and environmental preservation, in addition to improving the lives of communities, with participation in training workshops and the presence of children in quality school.

From then on, families have access to complementary actions in the areas of income generation, improvement of integrated infrastructure and empowerment of associations.

Among protection, the results of a 43% drop in the rate of deforestation in the beneficiaries (2008-2020), from data from the Brazilian Government (INPE/PRODES).

In addition, there was a 202% increase in the average household income (2009-2019) — proving the possibility of forest conservation and income generation in riverside communities.

Based on the results, the program received the Millennium Goals award, which recognizes management practices and social projects that contribute to the achievement of the UN Millennium Goals. Bolsa Floresta was also the first reduction by forest reduction and reduction (REDD) project in the first REDD project in the Juma Amazônia SDR – and the first climate reduction project in the world to receive the “standard” recommendation in the world, Comunidade and Biodiversity (CCB).

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